Frequently Asked Questions for Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) for Canada Express Entry

Amit Singh
4 min readDec 10, 2020


What is the Comprehensive Ranking System?

In order to rank the immigration candidates under the express entry pool, the Canadian Government has made an unbiased and merit-based points system as per which a particular score is assigned to each candidate who is there in the express entry pool. This system is known as Comprehensive Ranking System or CRS and the score assigned to each candidate is Comprehensive Ranking System Score.

The Canadian Government conducts draws and issues invitations to only those candidates who have the highest CRS score and post that process the applications within a period of 6 months or less.

How are points awarded under the Comprehensive Ranking System?

Candidates in the express entry pool are assigned a comprehensive ranking system score out of total 1200 points, the segregation of which is given as follows:

a) For single applicants i.e. without a partner or common-law partner

Under this, 500 points are available to the candidate for the core/human capital factors which includes age, work experience, level of education, language proficiency etc. The other 100 points are given as per the skills transferability factors. The remaining 600 points are awarded on the basis of certain additional points such as a provincial nomination, Canadian study experience, and a sibling or French Language ability.

b) For Candidates with an Accompanying Spouse or a common-law partner

Under this, up to 460 points are available to the candidates for the core/human capital factors such as age, Canadian work experience, and educational qualification etc. 40 points are awarded for the core/capital factors of your spouse or common-law partner. A candidate can also get 100 points for the skill transferability factors and the remaining 600 points are awarded on the basis of additional factors such as provincial nomination, Canadian study experience, and a sibling or French Language ability.

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Can I improve my Comprehensive Ranking System Scores?

The best thing that attracts the immigrants towards the Canada Express Entry system is the dynamic nature of the program. If you are lacking on CRS scores, you can always make some efforts and increase your CRS score and further improve your chances of getting an invitation to apply for Canada’s permanent residence.

Having Less CRS scores? Well, follow the tips mentioned-below and ace up the entire game of Canada Immigration without any hassle!

· Re-appear for the language test and gain higher marks than before

· Try to receive a nomination via taking the PNP pathway which will boost your CRS scores by 600

· Try to get a valid job offer from a Canadian employer

· Gain more years of work experience

Does my age impact the Comprehensive Ranking System Score?

Yes, age is an important factor that can affect your Comprehensive Ranking System score. In the CRS calculator, age constitutes 110 points if you are applying without your spouse or common-law partner and 100 points if you have included your spouse or common-law partner in your application. You can gain maximum points in the age factor if you are between the age group of 20 to 29. As you exceed the age of 45, you will not get any points, however, you can still apply and receive an ITA, if your score on the basis of other factors matches the cut-off released in the latest express entry draws that are held frequently by the Canadian Government.

Canada CRS Points Calculator

Do I need to submit an ECA report to submit an express entry profile?

Yes, you need to submit an ECA (Educational Credential Assessment) report if you want to submit an express entry profile. ECA is a mandatory document as it reflects the fact that your current education meets the Canadian Education standards. There are various organizations from where you can get your ECA assessed such as WES, IQAS, ICAS and many more. Getting an ECA report assessed is the first step in the right direction that has the power to take you closer to your dreams.

From where can I get an ECA?

If you want to submit your express entry profile and enter the express entry pool, you need to submit an ECA report. In order to get this report, there are various designated organizations from where you can get an ECA such as:

· WES (World Education Services)

· ICAS (International Credential Assessment Service of Canada)

· IQAS (International Qualification Assessment Service)

· MCC (Medical Council of Canada) (Professional Body for Doctors)

· PEBC (Pharmacy Examining Board of India) (Professional Body for Pharmacists)

· ICES (International Credential Evaluation Service)

No matter the organization you choose in order to receive your ECA report, the evaluation will only begin if the higher authorities receive your educational credentials from your school. For this, you are required to show your official transcripts that are usually a copy of your degree or diploma.

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Amit Singh
Amit Singh

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